IIC IQAC NIRF NAAC AISP College Tour Hacknovate FDP on "NEP-2020" SSR UPTAC-2024

Selections in Qspiders

Selections in Qspiders
Selections in Qspiders
ABESIT is pleased to inform you that Abhishek Garg (CS), Akshay Gupta (CS), Anu Sirohi (CS), Ayushi Srivastava (CS), Ishika Gupta (CS), Manik Kumar (CS), Mohammad Faraz (CS), Piyush Mittal (CS), Priyanka Singh (CS), Shalini Tyagi (CS), Shashank Pandey (CS), Shivani Rai (CS), Tanya Chaudhary (CS), Vernika Garg (CS), Yash Sharma (CS), Anu Gupta (IT) and Prince Singh (IT) final year students of B.Tech have been selected in Qspiders . About Company: Qspiders is the world’s ace organization with an aim to bridge the gap between the demands of the industry and the curriculum of educational institutions.With centers across India, the institute is a platform where young minds are given the opportunity to build successful careers. ”QSpiders is a place where businesses find talent and dreams take flight.”
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