IIC IQAC NIRF NAAC AISP College Tour Hacknovate FDP on "NEP-2020" SSR UPTAC-2024

Selections in New Age Instruments & Materials Pvt. Ltd.

Selections in New Age Instruments & Materials Pvt. Ltd.
Selections in New Age Instruments & Materials Pvt. Ltd.
ABESIT is pleased to inform you that B.Tech final year students- Bhanu Prakash Tiwari (EC), Dakshi Jain (EC), Prateek Khandelwal (EC) and Varun Sood (EC)- have been selected in New Age Instruments & Materials Pvt. Ltd. About Company: New Age Instruments & Materials Private Limited has supported the laser industry since 1999 with custom critical products such as Optics, Non Linear Optics, Laser Rods, Lasers (all types), Beam Profilers, Laser Energy /Power Meters, Monochromators, Spectrometers, PMTs, CCDs, Light sources, High Purity materials and Semiconductor processing equipments. Since then, New Age has developed a reputation throughout the scientific research & OEM Analytical Industry in India for supplying quality products in challenging medical, analytical, industrial, and scientific applications.
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