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Selections in Imperial Society of Innovative Engineers

Selections in Imperial Society of Innovative Engineers
Selections in Imperial Society of Innovative Engineers
ABESIT is pleased to inform you that Abhinav (ME), Ankit Kumar Singh (ME) and Shubhra Gautam (EEE) final year students of B.Tech have been selected in Imperial Society of Innovative Engineers. About Company: We are well known Society of India for organizing Motorsports events and live projects based Industrial Training. ISIE provides platform to the students for development and enhancement of their engineering skills as well as Managerial skills.We are developing platform specially for engineering students where they can easily face real time engineering problems and find the best solution. ISIE is the India’s best platform for the engineering students to develop practical skills. We believe in “learning, Implementation and sharing”. The Society has a very strong placement and consultancy wing that has an excellent network with the top Companies of the corporate world. Our Core Competencies include effective personalized industry based training and excellent placements.ISIE is committed for the development in the field of renewable source of energy, these are the best solution to save our environment and development of our country. We are organizing Hybrid and Solar Race Car events.
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