IIC IQAC NIRF NAAC AISP College Tour Hacknovate FDP on "NEP-2020" SSR UPTAC-2024

Selections in HestaBit Technologies

Selections in HestaBit Technologies
Selections in HestaBit Technologies
ABESIT is pleased to inform you that Abhishek Tyagi (CS), Ananya Singh (CS), Ankit Kumar Dubey (CS), Apurva Sharma (CS), Ayush Jaiswal (CS), Bhaskar Mamgai (CS), Bhavy Pratap Singh Gusain (CS), Kavish Baranwal (CS), Leena Sharma (CS), Mohd Hammad (CS), Nisha Rani (CS), Rohan Sharma (CS), Shashi Ranjan (CS), Shitij Khanna (CS), Shivangi Gautam (CS), Shreshtha Garg (CS), Shubham Batra (CS), Shubham Kumar Goel (CS), Shubhangi Sangal (CS), Vikas Malhotra (CS), Deepabala Singh (EC), Yash Garg (EC), Adhish Chand (IT), Akash Sharma (IT), Jagdish (IT), Rahul Bhardwaj (IT), Rajan Kumar Mishra (IT) and Sonali Sharma (IT) final year students of B.Tech have been selected in HestaBit Technologies. About Company: HestaBit Technologies is a global Managed IT services provider. With a client base in more than 50 countries, we strive among the best companies in Web and Mobile Technologies. With a state of heat infrastructure, the company has its head office in Noida Sec-63. With a specialised team of more than 50 professionals, the team has completed more than 500 applications.
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