Selections in Genpact
Selections in Genpact

ABESIT is pleased to inform you that Abhijeet Singh (Civil), Krati Mishra (Civil), Aditya Dwivedi (CS), Aishwarya Vaibhav (CS), Anshu Sharma (CS), Ashish Shukla (CS), Ayush Jaiswal (CS), Karan Pratap (CS), Kunika Saraswat (CS), Mayanka Kachroo (CS), Prateek Kapoor (CS), Priya Tyagi (CS), Priyanka Tyagi (CS), Rahul Prakash (CS), Sherry Verma (CS), Shourya Singh (CS), Sonali Sharma (CS), Sowmya Mishra (CS), Tanvi Tyagi (CS), Trishla Shrivastava (CS), Aastha Tyagi (EC), Dakshi Jain (EC), Priyanshu Pandey (EC), Tathagat (EC), Varun Sood (EC), Karishma Sharma (EEE), Adhish Chand (IT), Deepak Kandpal (IT), Katyayni Tyagi (IT), Khushboo Priya (IT), S Bharath (IT), Sai Srishti (IT), Aditya Jain (ME), Chayan Jain (ME), Ishaan Singh (ME) and Tushar Singh (ME) final year students of B.Tech have been selected in Genpact.
About Company: Genpact (NYSE: G) is shorthand for “generating business impact”.We design, transform, and run intelligent business operations including those that are complex and specific to a set of chosen industries. The result is advanced operating models that foster growth and manage cost, risk, and compliance across a range of functions such as finance and procurement, financial services account servicing, claims management, regulatory affairs, and industrial asset optimization.
- Presence in 18 countries, with 70 delivery centers.
- 68000+ employees and Growing with Robust supply chain of talent
- 800+ Clients with 4700+ Processes
- Education @ Work – Management courses from IIM, XLRI and IMT etc.
- Finance courses like CFA, CPA and Management Accounting etc. Insurance, software, analytics etc.
- Various online trainings from Harvard Business Publishing.
- Competitive compensation.