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ABESIT Group of Institutions -TBI In MoU With iB Hubs (IBuild Innovations Ltd.Hyderabad)

ABESIT Group of Institutions , Ghaziabad has established a Technology Business Incubator (TBI) by signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between ABESIT Group of Institutions and iB Hubs (iBuild Innovations India Ltd.) on 3rd September, 2017. This MoU is signed by Mr. Ravi Teja (Chief Operating Officer, iB Hubs) and Dr. Sapna Katiyar (Chief Executive Officer, ABESIT Group of Institutions -TBI) on behalf of ABESIT Group of Institutions .


ABESIT Group of Institutions has set up this Technology Business Incubator to catch innovative ideas from existing students & alumni of ABESIT Group of Institutions , and students from other institutes as well, and foster entrepreneurship and innovative spirit among youth. The Technology Business Incubator at ABESIT Group of Institutions will be a nodal center for Delhi NCR Region. In this incubator, world class infrastructure, technical support, mentoring and networking, assistance for venture business Model, support for marketing their products and doing the patenting & copyright will be taken care of.

iB Hubs has selected four (4) Ideas/ Proposals for Incubation and Scaling at ABESIT Group of Institutions Technology Business Incubator.

S.No Name of Team Leader Idea Incubated
1 Mr. Rahul Vashistha IntelliVice-Smart System
2 Mr. Rishabh Jain Advance Drones of Different Types
3 Mr. Harshit Mishra A Battery Never Dies
4 Mr. Pravek Sexana Qrencia Mentorship Platform

Now one of the selected Idea namely IntelliVice-Smart System of Rahul Vashistha has been successfully developed into product, which will be further reared by company “Rinnegan Technologies”. This company is registered under Ministry of Corporate Affairs in Start-up India banner in March 2018. This Start-up has been adjudged among the 10 best Start-ups selected for Start-up Expo-2019 to be held at Pragati Maidan, Delhi on Feb 23, 2019

TBI Notices
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