IIC IQAC NIRF NAAC AISP College Tour Hacknovate FDP on "NEP-2020" SSR UPTAC-2024


All students, Faculty members (visiting also) and Staff of the Institute are authorized to use the library.

No. Users are not allowed to bring their personal books or other reading materials to the library.

See library timings

  • Students – 4 Books, 10 Days
  • Faculty – 6 Books, 30 Days
  • Staff – 2 Books, 30 Days
  • Visiting Faculty – 2 Books, 15 Days

Fine is charged at Rs. 5.00 per book per day overdue for all users.

a. An authorized user can recommend a book for purchase by filling a Book requisition form that can be obtained from the Downloads section and submit it to the librarian by e-mail (library@abesit.in) as well as hard copy. The form should be routed through the Head of your department for his/her recommendation.

b. Students can also recommend in-demand book through Suggestion & Book recommendation register which is placed in Reference Section.

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