IIC IQAC NIRF NAAC AISP College Tour Hacknovate FDP on "NEP-2020" SSR UPTAC-2024

Industrial Visit to “Moon Beverage (Coca-Cola) India Pvt.Ltd.

Industrial Visit to “Moon Beverage (Coca-Cola) India Pvt.Ltd.
Industrial Visit to “Moon Beverage (Coca-Cola) India Pvt.Ltd.

In the continuous attempt to fill the gap between industry and academia, the Department of Mechanical Engineering organized an Industrial Visit to “Moon Beverage (Coca-Cola) India Pvt.Ltd.” , Shahibabad Industrial Area on September 21, 2018, for a group of 4th Year students of Mechanical Engineering . The plant is in the business of filling the bottles of Coca-cola, Limca, Maaza etc. Students witnessed the water treatment plant, bottle washing, filling, labeling and packaging in automatic mode and appreciated the mass production technique. Students asked questions to the representative about the plant and product. Students were also served with fresh factory made Coca-Cola. Finally the group was taken to the park area for a group photograph.

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