Day 1: 3 Days BigDatathon’18
Day 1: 3 Days BigDatathon’18

Department of CSE/IT in association with the Computer Society of India, Ghaziabad Chapter organised a National Level Project Competition BIGDATATHON’18 on Big Data Technology scheduled on April 19th -21st , 2018. The inaugural ceremony commenced on 19th April,2018 seeking the blessings of Maa Saraswati by lamp lighting by the Chief Guest Mr. Girish Mudgal, Assistant General Manager, HR-TCS; Dr. Manoj Kumar Pandey, Chairman of CSI and Director of SRM University, Ghaziabad; Mr. Anil Ji Garg, Former Chairman CSI Chapter; Mr. Saurabh Agarwal, Head, Strategy and Delivery, TCS, Noida; Mr. Saurabh Jain, Head Paytm Build for India; Prof.(Dr.)Bhavesh Kumar Chauhan, Director, ABESIT; Prof.(Dr.)Dilkeshwar Pandey, Head-CSE Deptt.; Prof. Bipin Rai ,Department In-charge, IT. This was followed by Saraswati Vandana by Kanak Sharma.
In this event more than 300 students registered for different activities conducted on big data technology from Delhi and NCR. Prof. (Dr.) Bhavesh Kumar Chauhan welcomed all the dignitaries and participants from different institutions; he encouraged the participants with his motivational speech.
Chief Guest Mr. Girish Mudgal focused on applications of Big Data, Data Analytics and Data Science. On this occasion, Dr. Manoj Kumar Pandey explained the importance of big data in handling a large amount of data; both structured and unstructured that inundates a business on a day to day basis. Mr. Anil Ji Garg gave insight on better decisions and strategic business moves based on data analytics. Mr. Saurabh Agarwal congratulated the participants and appreciated their enthusiasm for participation. Keynote speaker Mr. Saurabh Jain emphasised on solving real life problems with the help of big data technologies. Prof.(Dr.) Dilkeshwar Pandey presented the vote of thanks.
After the Inaugural Session, BIGQUIZ (Round 1) was conducted on Big Data, C++ and Java. Further, BIGQUIZ (Round 2), Debate on Big Data, Speaker Session, Big Idea and Big War will be organised on Day-2 and Day-3.