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Annual_Fest_2019 Festin-O-Beats 11.0 (Day-1)

Annual_Fest_2019 Festin-O-Beats 11.0 (Day-1)
Annual_Fest_2019 Festin-O-Beats 11.0 (Day-1)
The most awaited day of ABESIT i.e. Mega Annual Fest 2019 “festin-o-beats 11.0” was inaugurated by the Honorable Chairman, Managing Trustee, respected Advisor, Director- ABESIT & Principal-ABESITCOP. The day continued with the glimpse of events in cultural, technical, literary, fine arts & photography and much more. Students of ABESIT and various colleges of Delhi- NCR participated with the talents, spread over and enthusiastic crowd.
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