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ABES Institute of Technology Celebrates International Yoga Day with Zest and Mindfulness

ABES Institute of Technology Celebrates International Yoga Day with Zest and Mindfulness
ABES Institute of Technology Celebrates International Yoga Day with Zest and Mindfulness
The lush sports ground of ABES Institute of Technology (ABESIT) Ghaziabad reverberated with positive energy as students, faculty, and dignitaries gathered to celebrate International Yoga Day on June 21, 2024. In collaboration with the renowned Vayam Wala team led by Dr. Arti Bansal, the event emphasized holistic health and wellness. The other team members included Mr Alok Parasar, Mr Rajneesh and Master Rudraksh. The day began at the serene hour of 5:45 a.m., with participants eagerly assembling on the grounds. Distinguished guests included Prof. (Dr.) M.K. Jha (Director), Dr. Subodh Kumar Sharma (Dean of Student Welfare), and Dr. Arun Kumar Pandey (Yoga Coordinator and Instructor ABESIT college). Heads of all departments, faculty members, admin team, supporting staff, day scholars, and hostel residents also joined the event. As per Yoga protocol, the event began with the traditional chanting of ‘Om’ three times invoking a sense of tranquillity, followed by a heartfelt prayer setting a peaceful and focused tone for the yoga session. Dr. Arti Bansal, a seasoned yoga practitioner, guided the participants through Sukshma Vyayama focusing on specific body parts—neck, shoulders, hips, and legs—the session aimed to awaken energy channels and enhance flexibility. Each yoga asana was meticulously explained, emphasizing its physical and mental benefits. The program seamlessly transitioned into asanas, where participants practiced Kapalbhati, Anulom-Vilom, Sitali and Bhastrika. These practices promote relaxation, clarity of mind, and overall well-being. The event culminated in the chanting of the Kalyan Mantra. Dr Subodh Kumar Sharma delivered the vote of thanks. ABESIT’s International Yoga Day celebration exemplified unity, mindfulness, and the pursuit of holistic health. Program was concluded by Kalyan mantra. सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिन: सर्वे सन्तु निरामया: सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु मां कश्चिद् दुःख भाग्भवेत्। Program was concluded at 7:20 a.m.
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