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2019-20 IT Project Details 2019-20 View
2018-19 IT Project Details 2018-19 View

Student Research Paper Publication Details 2020-21

  • Gupta S., Tyagi S., Kishor K. (2022) Study and Development of Self Sanitizing Smart Elevator. In: Gupta D., Polkowski Z., Khanna A., Bhattacharyya S., Castillo O. (eds) Proceedings of Data Analytics and Management. Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, vol 90. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-6289-8_15. (Scopus Indexed)
  • Kishor K., Sharma R., Chhabra M. (2022) Student Performance Prediction Using Technology of Machine Learning. In: Sharma D.K., Peng SL., Sharma R., Zaitsev D.A. (eds) Micro-Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 373. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-8721-1_53. (Scopus Indexed)  .
  • Sharma A., Jha N., Kishor K. (2022) Predict COVID-19 with Chest X-ray. In: Gupta D., Polkowski Z., Khanna A., Bhattacharyya S., Castillo O. (eds) Proceedings of Data Analytics and Management. Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, vol 90. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-6289-8_16.  (Scopus Indexed)
  • Sharma, Rahul and Maurya, Satyam Kumar and Kishor, Kaushal, Student Performance Prediction using Technology of Machine Learning (July 3, 2021). Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing & Communication (ICICC) 2021, Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3879645 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3879645.
  • Jain, Atishay and Sharma, Yash and Kishor, Kaushal, Prediction and Analysis of Financial Trends Using Ml Algorithm (July 11, 2021). Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing & Communication (ICICC) 2021, Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3884458 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3884458.
  • Jain, A., Sharma, Y., & Kishor, K. (2020). Financial Supervision And Management System Using Ml Algorithm. Solid State Technology, 63(6), 18974-18982,. http://solidstatetechnology.us/index.php/JSST/article/view/8080.
  • Vashisht, Vineet, Aditya Kumar Pandey, and Satya Prakash Yadav. “Speech Recognition using Machine Learning.” IEIE Transactions on Smart Processing & Computing 10, no. 3 (2021): 233-239. DOI : https://doi.org/10.5573/IEIESPC.2021.10.3.233
  • Deepali Rao, Pallavi Ghosal, Shivani Sharma, and Bipin Kumar Rai , “SAHYOG: An information-delivery channel using kiosks & honeypot”, AIP Conference Proceedings 2424, 020005 (2022) https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0076720
  • Akash Kesarwani, Shreyshi Maheshwari, Shivani Sharma, and Bipin Kumar Rai , “Hand talk: Intelligent gesture based communication recognition & object identific(Scopus Indexed)ation for deaf and dumb”, AIP Conference Proceedings 2424, 080007 (2022), https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0076796. (Scopus Indexed)
  • Anjani Kumar, Akash Goyal, Bipin Kumar Rai, and Shivani Sharma , “OCR based medical prescription and report analyzer”, AIP Conference Proceedings 2424, 070006 (2022) https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0081176. (Scopus Indexed)
  • Aniket Kumar Chaudhary, Amrit Raj, Deepti Singh, “Indoor Navigation System”, International Jornal of Innovative Research in Technology, Volume 8, Issue 2, Page(s): 647 – 652, July/2021
  • Rohit Sharma, Sparsh Srivastava, Deepti Singh, “Virtual Auto Stand”, International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management,Volume:05 Issue:04, April 2021
  • Shruti Garg, Trapti Mishra, Rishabh Kamal”Voice-Text Chat App”, International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (www.jetir.org), ISSN:2349-5162, Vol.8, Issue 7, page no.a83-a90, July-2021, Available :http://www.jetir.org/papers/JETIR2107013.pdf
  • Vimal Vashisth, Samarth Garg, Faraj Chishti, “A COLLECTIVE POLLING PLATFORM FOR RECORDING AND SHARING PEOPLE’S OPINION”, International Journal of Innovative Research in Technology(IJIRT) Volume 8 Issue 1 | ISSN: 2349-6002, June  2021.
  • Ritik Singh, Rishi Kumar Kamat, Faraj Chisti, “Third Eye for Blind Person”, International Journal of Innovative Research in Technology(IJIRT) Volume 8 Issue 1 | ISSN: 2349-6002, June 2021.
  • MAYANK SHARMA, AKARSH SRIVASTAVA Faraj Chisti,” MALWARE DETECTION USING MACHINE LEARNING” International Journal of Innovative Research in Technology(IJIRT) Volume 8 Issue 1 | ISSN: 2349-6002 June 2021.
  • ANUPAM KUMAR, KRISHNA KUMAR MADHESIYA, Faraj Chisti,” RIDEINWAY” International Journal of Innovative Research in Technology(IJIRT) Volume 8 Issue 1 | ISSN: 2349-6002 June 2021.
  • Vaibhav Garg, Siddharth Yadav, Rishabh Kamal, “Android Notes using Finger Print Authentication”, International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), https://www.ijsr.net/get_abstract.php?paper_id=SR21405101230, Volume 10 Issue 5, May 2021, 174 – 178,
  • Juhi Rajput, sonika Bhatnagar, “Face Mask Detection”, IJSTE – International Journal of Science Technology & Engineering | Volume 7 | Issue 7 | January 2021
  • Bipin Kumar Rai, Akanksha Tyagi, Bhawana Arora, Shivani Sharma, “Blockchain Based Electronic Healthcare Record (EHR)” in 4th Edition of International Conference on Communications and Cyber- Physical Engineering (ICCCE2021) on (April 9th &10th, 2021) organized by CMR Engineering College, Hyderabad, India. Proceeding in Springer (LNEE) (Scopus Indexed)
  • Bipin Kumar Rai, Syed Aamir Hussain Zaidi, Dhishwari Singh, “Devops Sensoring Neuro Cluster” in 4th Edition of International Conference on Communications and Cyber-Physical Engineering (ICCCE2021) on (April 9th &10th, 2021) organized by CMR Engineering College, Hyderabad, India. Proceeding in Springer (LNEE) (Scopus Indexed)
  • Vishnu Kushwaha, Vishal Tyagi, Shivani Sharma, Bipin Kumar Rai, “Automated Voice Assistant” in 4th Edition of International Conference on Communications and Cyber-Physical Engineering (ICCCE2021) on (April 9th &10th, 2021) organized by CMR Engineering College, Hyderabad, India. Proceeding in Springer (LNEE) (Scopus Indexed)

Research Paper Publication Details 2019-20

  • Tiwari A., Verma R., Jaiswal J., Rai B.K., “Open Source Intelligence Initiating Efficient Investigation and Reliable Web Searching”in Advances in Computing and Data Sciences, 4th International Conference, ICACDS 2020, Valletta, Malta,24-25 April 2020, Proceeding ISBN: 978-981-15-6633-2 Springer Nature Singapore Pte, Ltd, Communications in Computer and Information Science, CCIS 1244 (Scopus Indexed), ISSN:1865-0929. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-6634-9_15
  • Singh S., Sharma D., Dev N., Bhatnagar S., “Courier Traveller”, International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science, Vol. 02, Issue 06, ISSN 2582-5208, June 2020
  • Pal N., Garg N., Prachi, Chishti F., “Dual Axis Solar Tracker With Irrigation System”, International Journal of Research in Engineering, IT and Social Sciences, Vol. 10, Issue 6, ISSN 2250-0588, June 2020
  • Sharma N., Garg A., Aeron A., Chishti F., “Online Examination With Face Recogination”, International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences And Technology, Vol. 4, Issue 12, ISSN 2455-2143, April 2020
  • Singh A., Kaushik A., Tyagi A., Singh D., “Campus Connect: An Android Based Application”, International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences And Technology, Vol. 5, Issue 12, ISSN 2457-2145, July 2020
  • Tyagi D., Sharma D., Singh R., Kishor K., “Real Time ‘Driver Drowsiness’ & Monitoring & Detection Techniques”, International journal of Innovative Technology And Exploring Engineering, Vol. 9, Issue 8, ISSN 2278-3075, June 2020
  • Kataria N., Singh A., Kamal R., “Network Behavior Analysis Using Android Malware Detection”, International Journal of Research in Engineering, IT and Social Sciences, Vol. 10, Issue 04, ISSN 2250-0588, April 2020
  • Bhatnagar S., Garg A., Tyagi N., Kumar M., “E Healthcare (Online Consultancy And Pharmacy) Android Application”, International Journal Of Emerging Trends & Technology In Computer Science, Vol. 9, Issue 2, ISSN 2278-6856, April 2020
  • Singh A., Jain A., Rai B.K., “Image Based Bird Species Identification”, International Journal of Research in Engineering, IT and Social Sciences, Vol. 10, Issue 04, ISSN 2250-588, April 2020
  • Sharma S., Chauhan P., Singh D., “Crime Management System – A Review”, International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences And Technology, Vol. 4, Issue 12, ISSN 2455-2143, April 2020
  • Singh P., Lavania P., “E – Mandi”, International Journal of Research And Analytical Reviews, Vol. 7, Issue 2, ISSN 2349-5138, April 2020
  • Tyagi P., Chahal S., Sharma V., Sharma S., “College Information Chatbot”, International Journal of Research in Engineering, IT and Social Sciences, Vol. 10, Issue 04, ISSN 2250-0588, April 2020
  • Kishor K., Saxena S., Yadav S., Yadav S., “Study And Development Of Air Monitoring And Purification System”, Vivechan International Journal Of Research, Vol. 10, Issue 2, ISSN 0976-8211, 2019
  • Khanna S., Yadav S., Chaudhary S., Kamal R., “Plant Disease Detection”, International Journal of Research in Engineering, IT and Social Sciences, Vol. 10, Issue 05, ISSN 2250-0588, May 2020
  • Mathur H., Saxena A., Bhatnagar S., “Recommendation Engine”, Journal Of Xi’an University Of Architecture & Technology, Vol. 12, Issue 4, ISSN 1006-7930, May 2020
  • Atras A.K., Chaudhary H., Sharma S., “An ‘IoT’ Based Smart Helmet”, International Journal of Research in Engineering, IT and Social Sciences, Vol. 10, Issue 06, ISSN 2250-0588, June 2020
  • Mittal J., Garg A., Sharma S., “Online Chatting Application”, International Journal of Research in Engineering, IT and Social Sciences, Vol. 10, Issue 04, ISSN 2250-0588, April 2020
  • Rawal P., Gupta P., Gaur S., Chishti F., “ Comparison Website For Online Shopping”, International Journal of Research in Engineering, IT and Social Sciences, Vol. 10, Issue 05, ISSN 2250-0588, May 2020
  • Singh S., Verma S., Kulshreshtha Y., Kamal R., “Online Travel Planner Using Sentiment Analysis”, International Journal of Research in Engineering, IT and Social Sciences, Vol. 10, Issue 04, ISSN 2250-0588, April 2020
  • Chauhan S., Pathak S., Kumar S., “Two Layer Image Encryption Using Symmetric Key Algorithms”, International journal of Innovative Technology And Exploring Engineering, Vol. 9, Issue 7, ISSN 2278-3075, May 2020
  • Abhishek P., Gupta R.R., Bhatnagar S., “Artificial Intelligence Dietician” IJIRMPS, Vol. 8, Issue 3, ISSN 2349-7300, May 2020
  • Singhal A., Chaturvedi R., Singh D., “Roadify An Emergency Service Provider System”, International Journal of Research And Analytical Reviews, Vol. 7, Issue 2, ISSN 2348-1269, May 2020
  • Mandal N.K., Khan S., “RFID Based Attendance Monitoring System”, International Journal of Research And Analytical Reviews, Vol. 7, Issue 2, ISSN 2348-1269, April 2020

Research Paper Publication Details 2018-19

  • Swarnkar S., Choudhary S., Chishti F., “Defilement Monitor : Iot Solution To The Source Of Pollution”, International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research and Innovation, Vol. -7, Issue 2, ISSN 2348-1226, pp: (177-182) April-June, 2019.
  • Singh S., Upadhyay A., Gupta V., Pandey M., “Student Safety and Tracking System”, JETIR, Volume 6, Issue 5, ISSN 2349-5162, May 2019.
  • Choudhary V., Parnita, Nagvanshi A, Singh B.P., “Augmented Reality Keyboard”, JETIR, Volume 6, Issue 5, ISSN 2349-5162, May 2019.
  • Tyagi D., Jindal A., Sharma S., “Mapping Of Areas Of Open Dumping Using GIS”, IJSRD, Vol. 7, Issue 3, ISSN 2321-0613, 2019.
  • Saxena D., Gupta S., Joseph J., Mehra R., “Sentiment Analysis”, IJESM, Vol. 8, Issue 3, ISSN 2320-0294, March 2019.
  • Gupta D., Gupta A., Rai B.K., “MedEarn: Share & Get Paid”, IJRE, IT and Social Sciences, Impact Factor: 6.565, Vol. 9, Issue 5, ISSN 2250-0588, May 2019.
  • Ravindran U., Alam T., Vashishtha R., Rai B.K., Sharma S., “An IoT Based Smart Glove”, JETIR, Vol. 6, Issue 5, ISSN 2349-5162, May 2019.
  • Garg P., Shrivastava R., Sagar A.S., Chishti F., “Virtual Mouse Using Hand Gesture”, JETIR, Vol. 6, Issue 5, ISSN 2349-5162, May 2019.
  • Kamboj A. Jain A., Yadav J., Kumar S., “A Review Report On Webpage For Women Helpline System”, IJIRT, Vol. 5, Issue 11, ISSN 2349-6002, April 2019.
  • Kumar S., Sharma S., Pandey M., “GRID LUCK – “Traffic Detection Using Python And Opencv””, JETIR, Vol. 6, Issue 5, ISSN 2349-5162, May 2019.
  • Gupta M., Singhal S., Pandey M., “Real Time Emotions Recognition and Analysis Based Music Player”, IJARIIT, Impact Factor: 4.295, Vol. 5, Issue 2, ISSN 2454-132X, 2019.
  • Kumar A., Pandit S., Garg U., Kishor K., “A Mobile Based Carpooling System”, JETIR, Vol. 6, Issue 5, ISSN 2349-5162, May 2019.
  • Singh V.P., Sharma V., Parihar D., “Abnormal Activity Detection”, JETIR, Vol. 6, Issue 5, ISSN 2349-5162, May 2019.
  • Verma A., Pal M., Goyal S., Kumar S., “A Review Paper On Application For Steganography”, IJIRT, Vol. 5, Issue 11, ISSN 2349-6002, April 2019.
  • Yadav S., Bindal M., Jaiswal R., Mehra R., “Helping Hand”, IJRASET, Impact Factor: 6.887, Vol. 7, Issue 4, ISSN 2321-9653, April 2019.
  • Ojha T., Chawla S., Saluja S., “Garage On Fingertip”, IJSRD, Vol. 7, Issue 2, ISSN 2321-0613, 2019.
  • Rai V., Singh Y., Chishti F., “Twitter Bot Detector”, JETIR, Vol. 6, Issue 5, ISSN 2349-5162, May 2019.

Research Paper Publication Details 2016-18

  • Kishor K.,Tyagi A. and Goswami M., “Home on IOS using Raspberry Pi3 Your Home at Your Command”, J. Eng. Devl. Res. (IJEDR), Vol 6, Issue 1, ISSN: 2321-9939 , July 2018.
  • Kishor K., Tyagi S. and Sharma R., “Mobile Based Attendance System Using AdHoc, Fused Location”, Vol No 6, Issue 1, ISSN: 2321-9939, July 2018.
  • Mehra R., Mishra K.R, Bhati K.V. and Nishad J., “Real Time Face Recognition Based Attendance Monitoring System”, J. Res. Appl. Sci. & Eng. Technol. (IJRASET), Vol No 06, Issue 05, May-2018.
  • Vishwachi , Singh M., Sharma L and Manaswini., “IOT Garbage Monitoring System”, J. Sci. Adv. Res. Technol. (IJSART), Vol No 4, Issue 5, May 2018.
  • Rai K.B., Sharma S. and Ravindran U., “A Review Paper on Regulating Bitcoin Currencies”,   J. Res. Appl. Sci. & Eng. Technol. (IJRASET), ISSN: 2321-9653 , Vol No 6, Issue 4, April, 2018.
  • Kishor K., Rai K.B., Pandey A., Chaudhary V. and Gangal M., “Attendance Verification Management System (AVMS)”, J. Cer  Res. Thoug. (IJCRT), Vol No 6, Issue 2, ISSN: 2320-2882, April, 2018.
  • Kishor K.,Pandey P., Bansal A. and Kumar S., “Attendance Management System Through Fingerprint”, J. Res. Appl. Sci. & Eng. Technol. (IJRASET), Vol No 6 Issue IV, ISSN: 2321-9653 , April 2018.
  • Kishor K., Pandey A., Bansal A. and Kumar S., “Attendance Management System Through Fingerprint”, J. Res. Appl. Sci. & Eng. Technol. (IJRASET), Vol No 6 Issue IV, ISSN: 2321-9653 , April 2018.
  • Kumar S. & Nitin, “GUI Testing Using the Random Event Based Test Cases”, Adv. Res. Dyna, Con. Sys. (JARDCS), Vol. 10, 02-Special Issue, April, 2018.
  • Mehra R., Malhotra V., Chaudhary P., Sharma A. and Pandey A., “Online Registration Platform for Training Partner and Assessment Body”, Res J. End. Technol. (IRJET), Vol No 05, Issue 04, April-2018.
  • Vishwachi , Gaur D., Gupta R. and Singh S. “Marketing and Franchise Management System”,   J. Cre. Res. Technol. (IJCRT), Vol No 6, Issue 2, April, 2018.
  • Chishti F., Pandey A., Mahi and Sadhana V., “Reservation based smart parking system”, J. Cre. Res. Technol. (IJCRT), Vol No 6, Issue 2, April 2018.
  • Chishti F., Sharma S. and Alam T., “A Review Paper on Augmented Reality, Now and in the Near Future”, J. Res. Engg. (IJRE), Vol No 08, Issue 04, April 2018.
  • Rai K.B., Shukla A., Sahni K.A and Aggarwal S., “Real time De-identification of Healthcare Data Using Ephemeral Pseudonyms”, J. Eme. Tre. Technol. Com. Sci.    (IJETTCS), (ISSN 2278-6856), Vol No 7, Issue 2, Page 21-25, March-April 2018.
  • Kishor K., Srishti S. and Sharma D., “A Distributed Algorithm For Finding All Best Swap Edges Of A Minimum Diameter Spanning Tree”,   J. Inno.Eng. Technol. (IJIET), Vol No 9 Issue 4 , ISSN: 2319-1058 , March-18.
  • Kishor K., Srishti S. and Sharma D., “A Distributed Algorithm For Finding All Best Swap Edges Of A Minimum Diameter Spanning Tree”,   J. Inno.Eng. Technol. (IJIET), Vol No 9 Issue 4 , ISSN: 2319-1058 , March-18.
  • Kishor K., Tiwari U., Goya A. and Sharma S., “Intrusion Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks”,   J. Cre. Res. Technol. (IJCRT), Vol No 6, Issue 1, ISSN: 2320-2882, March 2018.
  • Kishor K., Attri S., Ranjan S. and Tyagi T., “Smart Cart Based on IoT”,   J. Cre. Res. Technol. (IJCRT), Vol No 6, Issue 1 ISSN: 2320-2882, March 2018.
  • Rai K.B., Kishor K., Pandey A., Chaudhary V. and Gangal M., “Attendance Verification Management System (AVMS)”,   J. Cre. Res. Technol. (IJCRT), Vol No 6, Issue No 2, 2018.
  • Kishor K., Sharma A., Shukla P. and Sweta Km., “RECOMMENDING ASSESSMENT BODY ALGORITHM”,   J. Cre. Res. Technol. (IJCRT), ISSN: 2320-2882, Vol No 6, Issue 1, Page No.1300-1303, 2018.
  • Sharma S. Tyagi K. and Shishodia P., “Salubrity- A Medicine Reminder Application Using Android”, J. Adv. Res. Ide. Inno. Technol. (IJARIIT), Vol No 4, Issue No 2, 2018.
  • Sharma S., Rai K.B. and Ravindran U., “A Review Paper on Regulating Bitcoin Currencies”, J. Res. Appl. Sci. & Eng. Technol. (IJRASET) , Vol 6, Issue IV, 2018.
  • Sharma S., Priya K., Chand A. and, Bharath S., “A literature survey on digitizing the college administration ecosystem by developing single access point android mobile application”, J. Adv. Res. Ide. Inno. Technol.   (IJARIIT), Vol No 4, Issue No 2, 2018.
  • Yadav S.P. and Yadav S., “Fusion of Medical Images in Wavelet Domain”, ISSN :2357-6014 ,Vol No 14, Ingenieria Solidaria Revista, 2018.
  • Mehra R. and Agarwal D.,  “A Review of Advantages and Limitations of Cloud Centric Analytics”,   J. Eng. Res. Com. Sci. Eng. (IJERCSE), Vol No 4, Issue 12, December 2017.
  • Kishor K., Nand P. and Agarwal P., “Subnet based Ad Hoc Network Algorithm Reducing Energy Consumption in MANET”, J. Appl. Eng. Res. (IJAER), ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 12, November , 2017.
  • Sharma S., Chandra U. and Jain P., “A Literature Survey on Automation of test data generation for different white box testing using genetic algorithm”, J. Cur. Inno. Res. (IJCIR), Vol No 13, Issue No 06, November, 2017.
  • Vishwachi and Gupta S., “Detection of near-miss clones using metrics and Abstract Syntax Trees”, Conf. Inve. Comm. Comput. Technol. (ICICCT), IEEE Conferences, Pages: 230 – 234, July, 2017.
  • Rai B.K. and Srivastava A.K., “Patient controlled Pseudonym-based mechanism suitable for privacy and security of Electronic Health Record”, J. Res. Eng. IT. Soc. Sci. (IJREISS), Vol No 7, Issue No 2, 2017.
  • Rai B.K. and Srivastava A.K., “Prototype Implementation of Patient controlled Pseudonym-based mechanism for Electronic Health Record (PcPbEHR)”, J. Res. Eng. IT. Soc. Sci.  (IJREISS), Vol No 07, Issue No 7, 2017.
  • Bhatnagar S. and Singh G., “Signcryption Techniques Based on Various Cryptographic Algorithm”, J. Cer  Res. Thoug. (IJCRT), 1803295 International,  June  2017.
  • Vishwachi and Gupta S., “A novel approach in detecting code clones in Java using DFS”,   J. Adv. Appl. Sci. (IJAAS),  Vol No 4, Issue 5, April, 2017.
  • Chishti F., Chandra D., Kumar P. and Kumar M., “Amalgamating artificial intelligence with IoT and opportunistic networks for Indian metropolitan cities”, Proceedings of the 11th INDIA Com; INDIACom-2017, IEEE Conference ID: 40353, March 2017.
  • Vishwachi and Gupta S., “Literature Survey of Software Clones”,   J. Com. App.  (IJCA), 153(4):1-7,  Nov 2016.
  • Rai B.K. and Srivastava A.K., “Pseudonymization Techniques for Providing Privacy and Security in HER”, J. Eme. Tre. Technol. Com. Sci. (IJETTCS), ISSN 2278- 6858, Vol No 5, Issue 4, July-August 2016.
  • Gupta P. “Study of Future Wireless Technology: Li-Fi”, J. New. Tech. Res. (IJNTR), Vol No 2, Issue-5, May 2016.
  • Mehra R.“Biometric Implementation through Cloud Computing in Smart Cities”, National Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering, April-2016.
  • Rai B.K. and Srivastava A.K., “Security and Privacy Issues in Healthncare Information System”, J. Eme. Tre. Technol. Com. Sci. (IJETTCS), Vol No 3, Issue No 6, 2015.
  • Kumar S. and Nitin., “A literature Survey on Finite State Testing of Graphical User Interface”, J. Appl. Eng. Res. (IJAER), Vol No 11 , Issue No 4, 2015.
  • Sharma and Rai S., “Hadoop”, Int. J. Com. Sci. Info. Tech.  (IJCSIT), Vol No V, Issue No VII, 2015.
  • Sharma S. and Rai S., “Search Engine Optimization”, J. Adv. Res. Sci. Eng. (IJARSE), Vol No 4, Issue No 07, 2015.

4th Yr Project Details (2020-21)

2021PJ-IT01 1729013011 Anupam kumar Rideinway The project is on Vehical pooling and vehicle routing problem which utilises google maps Prof. Faraj Chishti
1729013024 Krishna Maddheshiya
2021PJ-IT02 1729013003 Akarsh Srivastava Malware Detection using Machine Learning The project is to detect the malware by identifying the signatures using dynamic behavior based methods Prof. Faraj Chishti
1729013025 Mayank Sharma
2021PJ-IT03 1729013016 Dhishwari Singh Devops Sensoring Neuro Cluster this project deals with the storage of grains, fruits, etc., and to identify their temperature and humidity patterns so that they will not be degraded. Establishing the environment in relation to the nature of the crop so as to determine an optimum threshold with appropriate pattern of monitoring and change. Prof. Bipin Kumar Rai
1729013055 Syed Aamir Hussain Zaidi
2021PJ-IT04 1729013061 VISHNU KUSHWAHA Voice Assistant It is an automatic voice assistant which takes the input from user as voice or text andsends the result back to user in various forms. Prof. Shivani Sharma
172013060 VISHAL TYAGI
2021PJ-IT05 1729013051 Siddhant Smart gym allows for control over a GYM’s environmental, security, and media systems from a centralized network core with an easily accessible user interface. Prof. Sumit Kumar
1729013052 Sidh bhardwaj
2021PJ-IT06 1729013012 Atishay Jain Finance and budget management system using python and django for business services This project is useful in forecasting the market whether the market will be up or down in upcoming time using the old and trending data. Prof. Kaushal Kishor
1729013063 Yash Sharma
2021PJ-IT07 1729013050 Shruti Garg Voice Text Chat Web App The aim of this application is to propose chat system that provides security and the user can safely exchange private information with each other without worrying about data. Prof. Rishabh Kamal
1829013901 Trapti Mishra
2021PJ-IT08 1729013049 Shreyshi Maheshwari Hand Talk : Intelligent Sign Language Recognition & Object Detection for Deaf & Dumb. It is a gesture-recognition application specially developed for espeecially challenge people who uses sign language. Prof. Shivani Sharma
1729013005 Akash Kesarwani
2021PJ-IT09 1729013054 Sparsh Srivastava Virtual Auto Stand Mobile app for organising the pooling for shared autos at transits for routes not having better connectivity or convince.. Prof. Deepti Singh
1729013039 Rohit Sharma
2021PJ-IT10 1729013042 Samarth Garg CrowdWings The aim of the project is to develop a online polling site so as to analyse visual representation of polling Prof. Faraj Chishti
1729013058 Vimal Vashisth
2021PJ-IT11 1729013035 Rishi Kumar kamat 3rd eye for blind The aim of the project is to develop a navigation system for blinds by detecting objects using distant measurement techniques and voice assistant Prof. Faraj Chishti
1729013036 Ritik Singh
2021PJ-IT12 1729013062 Yash Raghav Traffic prediction using IoT and ML  developing an android application by targeting user’s need to see real-time traffic using IOT, cloud computing and GPS based advance APIs. Prof. Sumit Kumar
1729013017 Digvijay Chauhan
2021PJ-IT13 1729013009 Anjani Kumar Medical Prescription Report Analyzer The objective of this MPRA model is to help patients get an easy understanding of their report and prescribed medicine by addressing the important challenge of extraction of handwritten text data from images, analyzing it using test data then giving a much-refined output. Prof. Bipin Kumar Rai
1729013004 Akash Goyal
2021PJ-IT14 1729013033 Priya Katiyar Investment Management & Trading Stimulator App The aim of the project  to have a tendency to propose the concept of developing an online Application which will not solely facilitate in precised investment for the investors however even be an initiate App for understanding the stock market by implementing completely different data processing techniques Prof. Rishabh Kamal
1729013041 Sahil Khera
2021PJ-IT15 1729013015 Deepali Rao A fake product identification system  Aim is to provide a platform where all the government schemes are available (Central Government or State Government ).It uses Kiosk machine to make it easy to access as well as multilngual & to secure the database  Honeypot is used. Prof. Shivani Sharma
1729013031 Pallavi Ghosal
2021PJ-IT16 1729013022 Juli Epidemic Tracker The objective is to predict the spread of epidemic in real time tracking. Prof. Deepti Singh
1729013046 Satyam Pal
2021PJ-IT17 1729013034 Rahul Sharma FEAT – HUNCH The main goal of this project is for the institute to be able to assess the performance of their learners over a lengthy period of time. This can considerably assist colleges in achieving performance consistency over a large number of students. Prof. Kaushal Kishor
1729013045 Satyam kumar maurya
2021PJ-IT18 1729013047 Satyan Gupta Self sanitizing elevators via facial reorganization This project proposed a methodology for maintaining sanitization and security, by incorporating facial recognition in elevators. These elevators are designed to work using voice commands making them completely contactless, also this system includes a thermal sensor to measure the body temperature of every user and notify everyone around them Prof. Kaushal Kishor
1729013043 Saniya Tyagi
2021PJ-IT19 1729013001 Aditya Kumar Pandey An Implementation of Speech Recognition System Using ML This project proposed a methodology for recognition of speech using Machine Learning Technique Prof. Satya Prakash yadav
1729013059 veneet vaseesth
2021PJ-IT20 1729013044 Sarthak Chahal Deviant Activity Recogition It helps to track object in video frames and distinguish activities and dominant behaviour of activities shows whether particular activity belongs to normal activity class or anomalous class. Prof. Sumit Kumar
1729013018 Gaurav
2021PJ-IT21 1729013002 Akanksha Tyagi BLOCKCHAIN BASED ELECTRONIC HEALTHCARE RECORD (EHR) The objective of this project is to show how EHR can be implemented into healthcare sector for maintaining patient’s data using blockchain technology i.e. how the data can be gathered, uploaded and accessed. Prof. Bipin Kumar Rai
1729013014 Bhawana Arora
2021PJ-IT22 1729013028 Nikita Gupta Lung Cancer Detection The objective of the project was to develop a solution for lung cancer detection with the help of image processing. Prof. Sonika Bhatnagar
1729013056 Utkarsh Tiwari
2021PJ-IT23 1729013008 Aniket kumar chaudhary Indoor navigation system This project helps in tracking some objects inside the closed space using Augmented Reality which results in more accurate positioning and navigation. Prof. Deepti Singh
1729013007 Amrit Raj
2021PJ-IT24 1729013021 Juhi rajpoot Face Mask Detection System The project aimed at developing solution for the current pandemic situation which can detection whether a mask is worn by the peron . Prof. Sonika Bhatnagar
2021PJ-IT25 1729013010 Ankit Sharma Detecting COVID-19 with chest X-ray The proposed method employed PA interpret of x-ray examinations in this experiment for both covid-19 patients and healthy persons. We experimented with CNN templates and deep learning algorithms. 6432 chest x-ray scan specimens were collected from the Kaggle database to analyse ResNeXt models and examine their performance in order to determine the presentation. Prof. Kaushal Kishor
1729013027 Nikhil Jha
2021PJ-IT26 1729013040 Roshan Sharma Smart Home Automation System The proposed framework presents the total plan of an IoT based detecting and checking framework for shrewd home robotization. This home robotization framework utilizes the EmonCMS stage for gathering and distant controlling of home apparatuses and gadgets Prof. Shivani Sharma
1729013040 Riya Mittal
2021PJ-IT27 1729013030 Nitin Bhati Smart Vehicle Accident Detection The proposed framework presents a solution as smart vehicle for accident detection system Prof. Sonika Bhatnagar
1729013029 Nirmal Akash
2021PJ-IT28 1729013048 Shivanshu saxena NRA- Never Ride Alone The aim of this project to build a website for NRA- Never Ride Alone Prof. Rishabh Kamal
2021PJ-IT29 1729013053 Siddharth yadav Android Notes using Fingerprint Authentication The aim of this project to build a android app for Android Notes using Fingerprint Authentication Prof. Rishabh Kamal
1729013057 Vaibhav Garg

Final Year Project Details Session 2019-20

2016PJ-IT01 1629013049 Shiva Tiwari Open Source Intelligence The aim of the project is to establish efficient and reliable law solutions that solve real-world problems related to the use of data, records, and information, OSINT can be considered as a better option and can be considered as the time, money and resource saver making it an efficient option. Dr. Bipin Kumar Rai
1629013040 Ravi Verma
1629013022 JANVI JAISWAL
2016PJ-IT02 1629013048 Shailesh Singh Courier Traveler The aim of the project we  can  shift  the package  in  one  single  day  and  also  with  reasonable  price  and  safety.  There  is  no  need  to  accumulate  a  large number of packages to shift to a location. Prof. Sonika Bhatnagar
1629013017 Deepak Sharms
1629013030 Nitesh Dev
2016PJ-IT03 1529013026 Prachi Dual Axis Solar Tracker With Irrigation System The aim of the project is to design dual axis solar tracker with irrigation system using hardware ans software components Prof. Faraj Chishti
1629013026 Nandini Garg
1629013029 Nimisha Pal
2016PJ-IT04 1629013004 ADITI GARG Online Examination Form With Face Recognition The project id developed for online examination using face recognition using pattern histogram by open CV and Python Prof. Faraj Chishti
1629013015 AVIRAL AERON
1629013027 NIKHIL SHARMA
2016PJ-IT05 1629013011 APOORVA SINGH Campus connect (An android based college App) The main objective of this project is to add mobility and automation to the process of managing student information in an institute. Prof. Deepti Singh
1629013005 ADITYA TYAGI
1629013012 APURV KAUSHIK
2016PJ-IT06 1629013018 DIVYANSHU TYAGI Driver Drowsiness Detection ystem This system will monitor the driver eyes using a camera and by developing an algorithm we can detect symptoms of driver fatigue early enough to avoid the person from sleeping. Dr. Kaushal kishor
1629013041 RISHABH SINGH
2016PJ-IT07 1629013028 NIKITA KATARIA Network Behavior Analysis For Android Malware Detection This approach malware by abstraction of program behaviors. We approach to protect mobile devices against attacks based upon detection principles, architecture and collected datasets. Prof. Rishabh Kamal
1629013003 AAYUSHI SINGH
2016PJ-IT08 1629013002 AAKASH GARG E-Healthcare (consultancy and Pharmacy) This  method will  prove  helpful  for  urgent  cases  that  don’t  reach  the hospital,  to  the  patients  who  don’t  have  doctors  in  their nearby  area/location  and  during  late-night  emergencies. This  method  also  will  help  the  patients  to  urge  their drug/medicine  online  that  they  have  in  case  of  an emergency. Prof. Sonika Bhatnagar
1629013025 NAKUL TYAGI
1629013024 MANISH KUMAR
2016PJ-IT09 1629013006 AKARSHITA JAIN Image Based Species Identification The aim of the project is to develope a deep learnining plateform to assist a user recognize species of birds using  concept of image recognition Dr. Bipin Kumar Rai
1629013007 ANISHA SINGH
2016PJ-IT10 1629013033 PRACHI CHAUHAN Crime Management Crime Management aim to develop website which helps police to seek out the issues within the society without them actually coming to the police headquarters. To make complaining easy and manage crime records this application is extremely helpful. Prof. Deepti Singh
2016PJ-IT11 1629013039 PRIYANSHI LAVANIA E- MANDI Proposed a method for farmers will sell their commodities directly with the traders with none middle person and acquire their right payback in keeping with the standard of their commodities-By victimization this application the farmers and traders will directly contact one another and trade. Prof. Sumit Kumar
2016PJ-IT12 1629013037 PRASHANT TYAGI College Information Chatbots Chatbot aims to form a conversation between both human and machine. The machine has been embedded knowledge to spot the sentences and making a call itself as response to answer question. The response principal is matching the input sentence from user. Prof. Shivani Sharma
1629013050 SHIVAM CHAHAL
2016PJ-IT13 1629013047 SHAGUN SAXENA Air Monitoring and Purification System The main aim and goal of this project is to highlight some of the advanced technologies which can be used to analyze, monitor and purify the air, how efficacious these technologies are and to study the paramount researches in this particular area. Dr. Kaushal Kishor
1629013046 SARVESH YADAV
1629013053 SHIVAM YADAV
2016PJ-IT14 1629013052 SHIVAM CHAUDHARY Krishi Parikshan The aim of this project to build a new approach in detecting plant diseases using the convolutional neural network trained and OpenCVwhich detects the disease in plant and predicts appropriate outcome. Prof. Rishabh Kamal
1629013054 SHIVAM YADAV
2016PJ-IT15 1629013010 ANKITA SAXENA Internet and Activity Based News engine Thisproject introduces a general frame work to build a News search engine by describing news that is available online. Now a days, people prefer to scroll news online, the major task or challenge for today is to find out news as per the interest of user among the abundance of news available on the internet. Prof. Sonika Bhatnagar
2016PJ-IT16 1629013008 ANKIT KUMAR ATRAS Smart Helmet A smart helmet is an idea which makes driving motorcycle safer than ever before. The major goal of our project is detection, notification and prevention of accidents. Motorcycles have higher rates of fatal accidents than any other automobiles in India Prof. Shivani Sharma
2016PJ-IT17 1629013013 ARUSHI GARG Online Chatting Application It is a product application for the starting of an ongoing communication between administrators/clients. The framework created on android will empower the clients to speak with other clients through instant messages with the assistance of web. Prof. Shivani Sharma
1629013023 JHALAK MITTAL
2016PJ-IT18 1629013032 PIYUSH RAWAL Price comparison Website for online Shopping The aim of the project is to develop a comparison wesite for prices of different goods Prof. Faraj Chishti
1629013056 SHUBHAM GAUR
2016PJ-IT19 1629013045 SARTHAK VERMA Online Travel Planner The given project provides hotel reviews based on sentiment analysis. The website will suggest hotels based on the reviews given by the consumers. The proposed research work uses machine learning algorithms and automatic methods of sentiment analysis Prof. Rishabh Kamal
1629013051 SHIVAM SINGH
2016PJ-IT20 1629013055 SHREYA PATHAK Image Encryption Using Different Encryption Algorithm Presents image encryption and decryption using the sequential hybridization of AES and Blowfish cryptographic algorithms. This hybridization enhancesthe security of the image. Prof. Sumit Kumar
2016PJ-IT21 1629013043 ROHAN RAI GUPTA Artificial Intelligence Dietician Proposed methodology work as a proper dietician to maintain the health of its customers and aware them about the need of nutrients for their good health. Prof. Sonika Bhatnagar
2016PJ-IT22 1529013005 ADITYA SINGHAL Mobile Distributed Personal Security App This project aims to enable the vision of smart and safe cities, by using mobile technologies to securely and privately extract, model and embed real public safety into day to day user experiences. Dr. Deepti Singh
2016PJ-IT23 1629013031 NITISH KUMAR MANDAL Attendance monitoring system The main objective of the system is to uniquely identify and to make attendance for a person. This requires a unique product, which has the capability of distinguishing different person. This is possible by the new emerging technology RFID (Radio Frequency Identification). Prof. Sumit Kumar
1629013059 SUHEIL KHAN

Session 2018-19

S.No. Roll No. Student Name Project Title Project Outcome Supervisor Name
1 1529013035 Shivam Choudhary Pradushan Suraksha Kavach    “PRASUK” It uses IoT and android application. This project monitors the air pollution from vehicles using sensing devices Ms. Faraj Chisti
1529013041 Stuti Swarnkar
2 1529013046 Vaibhav Gupta Student Safety and Tracking System It is an android  application. This system is very helpful for mentor/warden/parents, to know status of student. Mr. Mohit Pandey
1329013041 Siddharth Singh
1529013009 Amit Upadhyay
3 1529013008 Aman Nagvanshi Augmented Reality Keyboard An application based on Augmented reality.  It uses the existing environment (still images) and performs the task of keyboard. The purpose is to make users aware and provide the glimpse about augmented reality with relatively cheaper cost. Ms. Vishwachi
1529013012 Bhanu Pratap Singh
1529013025 Parnita
4 1529013038 Shubham Sharma Solution to Access Multibanking A system for the ease of the users having multiple bank accounts. Any client having accounts in multiple banks can directly log on to multi-banking system and can make any kind of transactions. Ms. Vishwachi
1529013010 Anshu Jindal
1529013015 Dolly Tyagi
5 1529013014 Diksha saxena Sentiment Analysis This project is based on Sentiment Analysis or Emotion AI. The project helps in analyzing the socila apperences and identify the threats for the information or opinion circulation. Ms. Richa Mehra
1529013037 Shubham Gupta
1529013017 Joy Joseph
6 1529013006 Akansha Gupta MedEarn:Share & get paid Blockchain based  social networking application,  provide privacy and security to user data. Unlike taditional social media, user can earn cryptocurrency each time they share data. Mr. Bipin Rai
1529013013 Dharmendra Gupta
7 1529013029 Rahul Vashishtha Infinity Glove It is a IoT based glove. It is used for automation where one can automate things without getting in direct contact. Ms. Shivani Sharma
1529013044 Urshila Ravindran
8 1529013004 Abhishek Sharan Sagar Virtual Mouse It is sensor based project. This project is used to give the commands without the hardware usage Ms. Faraj Chisti
1529013028 Pulkit Garg
9 1529013003 Abhishek Kamboj Case Management Software for Women Helpline It is application based software system.  It will ensure the proper monitoring of the Case for any women. This software bridge the gap between authorities and victim (A Veto Power to woman). Mr. Sumit Kumar
1529013011 Ayush Jain
1529013018 Juli Yadav
10 1529013039 Shyam Kumar Grid Lock – A Road Traffic Analyzer It is a data analysis based project. Providing real-time traffic accounting and monitoring, and predicting the traffic congestion. Mr. Mohit Pandey
1529013040 Sparsh Sharma
11 1529013042 Talib Alam Sordomudos Inteligente It is a IoT based glove. It can reduce the barrier between normal and specially abled by recognizing various hand notions and its movement along the arm and can convert sign language into such a form which easily understandable by normal people. Ms. Shivani Sharma
1529013007 Akash
12 1529013021 Mahek Gupta Real Time Emotions Analysis & recognition based Music Player It is an android  application. This application generating an appropriate playlist of songs according to individual’s emotional features. Mr. Mohit Pandey
1529013036 Shreya Singhal
13 1529013002 Aakash Kumar Car Pooling Application & Website It is android based application. This application is more environment friendly and sustanable way to travell as sharing journey Mr.Kaushal kishor
1529013045 Utkarsh Garg
1429013033 Shubhanshu Pandit
14 1529013047 Vasudev Sharma Abnormal Activity Detection This is system application a Python based project. This application is used in defence, healthcare for detection of abnormal activities. Ms. Dhanshri Parihar
1529013002 Vishwapratap Singh
15 1529013001 Aakarsh Verma Steganography Security based project. Steganography is used to supplement encryption. An encrypted file may still hide information using steganography, so even if the encrypted file is deciphered, the hidden message is not seen Mr. Sumit Kumar
1529013020 Madhur Pal
1529013032 Sagar Goyal
16 1529013034 Saurabh yadav Helping Hands This is a web based project or a web portal. This umbrella portal helps in bringing the various NGOs and capable people on the same platfarm through wihich any type of help can be bring in reachability of needy. Ms. Richa Mehra
1529013022 Maulik Bindal
1529013030 Riya Jaiswal
17 1529013033 Sagun Saluja Garage on Finger Tip It is an android based application. It helps the users to track the near-by garage in case of break-down of vehicle. It also helps the users to know the facility provided by the garage and its distance from the current location of the user. Ms. Vishwachi
1529013043 Tushar Ojha
1573913009 Smriti Chawla
18 1529013048 Vishwjeet Rai I Spot a Bot This application is a web browser based plug-in. The idea of this project is to bulid a binary classifier that identifier a given user as a Bot or human. Ms. Faraj Chisti
1529013050 Yashdeep Singh
19 1573913003 Akatma Srivastva Online Code Analysis It  is a web based application. It provides online platform to analyse and test object oriented programming. Ms. Sonika Bhatnagar
1573913006 Keshav Tyagi

Session 2017-18

S.No. Roll No. Student Name Project Title Project Outcome Supervisor
1 1429013007 Apoorv Goyal Intrusion Detection In Wireless Sensor Network Computer simulation based Project. This project shows that the proposed scheme obtain high detection ratio with less computation and communication cost. Ms. Anita Koli
1429013034 Sonali Sharma
2 1429013023 Rahul Bandhan Bus Management System It is application based project. It interconnects public transport vehicles and bus stations to monitor the vehicles and traffic status. Mr. Tanveer Ikram
1429013030 Saloni Garg
3 1429013014 Katyayni Tyagi Medical Helper Appication It is an Android based Application. .It works as a medicine reminder specially for the old people who forgets to take medicine on time.  It also suggest the medicine to be taken according to the prescription Ms. Shivani Sharma
1429013022 Pooja Shisodia
4 1429013024 Rahul Bhardwaj Reservation Based Smart Parking System It is sensor based project. This prosposed parking system has potential to solve the parking problems and also simplify the parking opertions. Ms. Anita Koli
1429013038 Vaibhav Sadhna
1429013016 Mahi Mr. Tanveer Ikram
1429013019 Mohit Sharma
5 1429013008 Arti Kumari Smart Police Navigator This project is GIS based robust mobile application.  Its is used to identify the location of citizen & automatically send emergency request to nearest policemen who has authority to resolve request. Mr. Tanveer Ikram
1429013021 Piyush Kumar
6 1429013001 Abhay Katiyar Forecasting Using Time Series Analysis by ARIMA Model This project uses the concept of neural network. Time series analysis can be used in a multitude of business applications for forcasting a quantity into the future & explaining its historical pattern. Mr. Tanveer Ikram
1429013009 Avinash Nath
1429013036 Srajan Sahu
7 1429013028 Safal Singhal RTO Automation System Software It is an web  based application. This system provides all services of Road Transport Office  without hassle from any place. Ms. Anita Koli
1429013041 Vikash Singh Tomar
8 1429013012 Divya Sharma Distributed Algorithm for Finding All Best Swap Edges of Minimum Diameter Spanning Tree It is network based project. It implements distributed algorithm for best swap edges of minimum spanning tree in communication networksand find shortest path. Mr. Kaushal Kishor
1429013029 Sai Srishty
9 1429013017 Mayank Chaudhary Text Based Speaker Identification This project is based on Natural langugae Processing. It is a ecllipse based application which is used for dialouge extraction from TV shows and movies. Mr. Tanveer Ikram
1429013018 Mohit Agarwal
10 1429013005 Aniket Bansal AVMS-Attendance Verification Management System(Android App) It is an android application. This project uses a biometric concept to facilitate the addendance system in educational Iinstitute, Ms. Anita Koli
1429013039 Varun Chaudhary
11 1429013002 Abhishek Tyagi CAMPUS ZONE App It is an Android based Application. It establishes the communication between the canteen administrator and customers. It helps in saving the time spent in waiting for the order. Ms. Shivani Sharma
1429013032 Shubham Godiyal
1429013003 Adhish Chand
1429013015 Khusboo Priya
1429013027 S Bharath
12 1429013013 Jagdish Real time Face Recognition Based Attendance Monitoring System This project is based on face and pattern recognition approach. This project is an addition to biometric methods used for security or monitoring purposes. Ms. Richa Mehra
1429013025 Rajan Kumar Mishra
1429013040 Vijay Kumar Bhati
13 1429013031 Satyam Kumar AVMS-Attendance Verification Management System(Web Portal) It is the system that aims at managing the attendance of the students. Using this system the attendance is marked based on biometric that is finger print recognition. It helps in the prevention of forgery in attendance done in a particular organization Ms. Anita Koli
1409213001 Megha Gangal
14 1429013004 Akash Sharma Online Registration Platform for Training Partner & Assesment Body (Digitization and Automation of Skill Development EcoSystem) This is a web based project. This portal is under National Skill Development Mission, which is used for job and training purposes. Ms. Richa Mehra
15 1429013010 Deepak Kandpal Interactive Query Builder For FAQs and Automated Workflow Management System (Digitization and Automation of Skill Development EcoSystem) It is a web application based project and it focusses on digitilization of skill council for green jobs and government and also automates the affiliation process of training partner and assesment body. Ms. Anita Koli
16 1429013035 Sourabh Mishra Data Migration and Import (Digitization and Automation of Skill Development EcoSystem) It is a website designed in HTML .It includes digitization of skill development ecosystem for different skill council. Ms. Anita Koli
17 1473913016 Suraj Kumar Intranet Mailing System It is a server based web application. It is used for transferring files, messaging and for mail management for remote organization. Ms. Faraj Chishti
1473913007 Hitesh Kumar
1473913011 Raunoq Dod
18 1473913018 Vishal Solanki Delhi Rout Planner It is an Android based Application. It combines bus travel with metro and suggests the route either by bus or metrowhichever is the most efficient one. Ms. Faraj Chishti
1473913012 Rohan Bhatia
19 1473913003 Anjali Goel ECYCLR – Electronic Waste Recycling App It is an Android based Application. It combines bus travel with metro and suggests the route either by bus or metrowhichever is the most efficient one. The seller and buyer can connect with each other with the help of this app. Ms. Priyanka Gupta
1473913015 Sneh Ayush
20 1473913001 Akash Garg Secure Data Storage in cloud This is a cloud storage based project. This project gives a storage solution according to the usage preferences in the least costing. Ms. Richa Mehra
1473913002 Abhimanyu Dalal
1473913009 Rahul Goel
21 1473913006 Dinesh Kumar Company Placement system It is an intranet based application. This system provide help to those people who are seeking for jobs, as well as to job providers. This application is work as middlemen between job seekers and job providers. Ms. Faraj Chishti
1473913008 Mohit Saini
1473913013 Shivam
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