IIC IQAC NIRF NAAC AISP College Tour Hacknovate FDP on "NEP-2020" SSR UPTAC-2024

Technical Clubs & Societies

ECE Technical Club The ECE Technical Club aims to provide students a platform to gain multi-disciplinary skills and excel in various fields of Electronics & Communication. We strive to teach and help students to acquire new skills in an era of rapidly evolving technology. Our Technical Club consists of 6 student members and 2 faculty coordinators working together for planning and execution of events.

The main objectives of this technical club are:

  • To provide a platform where students can work using recent trends & technologies.
  • To create a culture among students where they can work on real time problem by out of box thinking, brain storming etc.
  • To bridge the gap between the present global industries and academia.
  • To create awareness among students about various opportunities for the career like Entrepreneurship/ Jobs/Higher studies.
  • To create a team building spirit among the students.

Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE)

Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) is a non-profit organization that serves educators interested in the use of technology in education. ISTE provides educational technology resources to support professional learning for educators and education leaders, ISTE also provides a suite of professional learning resources to members, including webinars, online courses, consulting services, books, and peer-reviewed journals and publications. All faculty members and 160 students of ECE Department are the member of ISTE society.

The main objectives of this ISTE society are:

  • To provide quality training programmes to teachers and administrators of technical institutions.
  • To update students/Faculty knowledge and skills in their fields of activity.
  • To assist and contribute in the production and development of top-quality professional engineers and technicians needed by the industry and other organisation
  • Overall development of technical education system.


S.No. Event Details Dates Student Details Remarks
1 AKTU Zonal Sports Fest, Organised by Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Technical University conducted by RKGIT, Ghaziabad 31/10/2018-2/11/2018 Nitish Sharma 1629031027 2nd Position in Shot-put
Tanisha Agarwal2018ECE008 2nd Position in Discus Throw
Shubhangini Khare 1729031050 3rd Position in Volleyball
2 GAMBADE-2017,Organized and Conducted by Hi-Tech Institute of Technology 27/10/2018 Anshuman Singh 1529031008 3rd Position
Akash Tevatia1629031009
Aditya Pandey1629031006
3 Dr. KALAM STARTUP PARIKARAMA Edition-14, Organized by AKTU and conducted by ABESIT 07-03-2018 Piyush Singh1529021006 3rd Position
Shivam Soubhari1529021016
4 Inter Institutional Fest “ULLAS-2018” Organized and Conducted by IPEM, Ghaziabad 5/4/2018- 6/4/2018 Shivam Soubhari1529021016 Participation Certificate for Business Plan presentation
5 AKTU Zonal Technical, Literary and Management Fest, Organised by Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Technical University conducted by IPEC, Ghaziabad 22/3/2018– 24/3/2018 S.V.V. Srinivas1529031031 1st Position in ROBO WAR Event
Gargi Sinha1529031012
6 Smart India Hackathon-2018(Hardware Edition), Organized and Conducted by AICTE, Govt. of India Year 2018 S.V.V. Srinivas1529031031 Participation Certificate for Real-Time Pollution Mapping Project.
7 Mega ATV Championship-2018, Organized and Conducted by Auto Sports India at Nasik 24/3/2018-26/3/2018 Akshay Kumar1429021003 38th position in All India among 86 teams.
Ashish Kumar1429021004
Hemant Sharma1429021008
Shubham Singh1429031018
8 AKTU Zonal Arts and Cultural Fest, Organised by Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Technical University conducted by KEC, Ghaziabad 23/2/2018-24/2/2018 Neeraj Singh1529031022 2nd Position in Face painting & 3rd position in collage making & Rangoli making events.
2nd Position in poster making event.
Priya Gautam1429031022 3rd Position in group dance event.
Vishal Verma1429031056
Chandani Jaiswal1529031016 3rd Position in Rangoli making event.
Prateek Khandelwal1429031031 3rd Position in war of bands event.
9 Technex’18, Organized and Conducted by IIT BHU, Varanasi 16/2/2018 -18/2/2018 Mr. Abhishek Shukla1529031003 1st Position
10 EFFI-CYCLE 2017, Organized and Conducted by Lovely Professional University, Jalandher (Supported by Maruti Suzuki) 1/11/2017 – 5/11/2017 Himanshu Singh1429021009 35th Rank in All India
Prashant Tomar1429021014
11 GAMBADE-2017, Organized and Conducted by Hi-Tech Institute of Technology 1/11/2017– 5/11/2017 S.V.V. Srinivas1529031031 1st Position
Aman Raj1529031007
Pallavi Goswami1529031024

Expert Talks

S. No. Topic Speaker Date
1 IoT Security Ms. Shivani Agarwal, Principal Engineer, Hughes Systique Gurgaon 04-12-2019
2 A Fractional Order Fuzzy PID Controller Dr. Puneet Mishra, Assistant Professor, BITS-Pilani. 26/03/2019
3 Intellectual Property Right Awareness Ms. Pooja Kumar, Founder & Director (Registered Patent Agent) Innove Intellects 22/01/2019
4 Low Power High Performance Digital CMOS Circuits Dr. Kunwar Singh, Assistant Professor, NSIT-Delhi 11-02-2018
5 Machine Learning Dr. Rishav Singh, Assistant Professor, Bennett University, Greater Noida 10-12-2018
6 Optical Fiber Network Mr. V.K.Sharma,Air Cmde (Retd.), Director,( M.P. Birla Telecom Academy) 17-08-2018
7 Emerging Trends and Technologies Mr. Amit Rana,Advisory Consultant (IBM India Pvt. Ltd.) 31-12-2017
8 Industrial Automation Mr. Naman Jain,SP Industries (Noida) 07-09-2017
9 Electronics Manufacturing Mr. Soni Saran Singh, Executive Director(NMTRONICS India Pvt. Ltd.) 08-09-2017
10 Upcoming Trends in IT Sector Expert from DXC Technology 08-09-2017
11 Embedded Systems & IoT Prof. Dhananjay V. Gadre,Associate Professor (NSIT, New Delhi) 24-03-2017
12 Motivational & Inspirational Talk Col. Rajiv Bhatnagar ,VSM (Retd.) 10-02-2017
13 An Interactive Session with 4th Year students on Project Based Learning Prof. Krishna Vedula,Professor and Dean Emeritus, (University of Massachusetts Lowell) ( Executive Director), IUCEE 26-08-2016

Industrial Visit

S.No. Name of Company Year/Branch Date
1 MP Birla Telecom Academy, Gurugram 3rd Year, ECE 14/11/2018
2 Automation Engineers A.B. (P) Ltd. Noida 2nd Year, ECE 24-08-2018
3 DMRC (Chirag Delhi Metro Station) Near IIT, Delhi 3rd & 4th Year, EEE 10-10-2017
4 Indian Expo Centre (Renewable Energy) Greater Noida 3rd Year, ECE 22-09-2017


S. No. Theme Organized/Conducted By Duration
1 Two Day Workshop on “Data Structure” CETPA Infotech Pvt. Ltd 03/04/2018-04/04/2018
2 3-Days Workshop on "Analog Applications" Dr. APJ AKTU, Lucknow U.P. in collaboration with Sapience Consulting, under Texas Instruments India University Program 18/8/2018 -20/8/ 2018
3 5-Days Faculty Development Program "Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning: Interdisciplinary Approach for Applications" ABESIT, Ghaziabad & sponsored by Dr. APJ AKTU, Lucknow U.P. 12/6/2018 -16/6/ 2018
4 1-Day Workshop on “IoT using Raspberry PI” in association with APTRON Solutions Pvt. Ltd. APTRON Solutions Pvt. Ltd. 10-11-2017
5 National Seminar on "Advanced Power Electronics & Motor Control Simulation Techniques" ABESIT, Ghaziabad & sponsored by Dr. APJ AKTU, Lucknow U.P. under Visvesvarya Research Promotion Grant Scheme 07-10-2017
6 3-Days Workshop on "Microcontroller Design-MSP430" Dr. APJ AKTU, Lucknow U.P. in collaboration with Sapience Consulting, under Texas Instruments India University Program 21/9/2017-23/9/ 2017
7 1- Day Workshop on “VLSI-Hands on with FPGA” CETPA Pvt. Ltd. 17-08-2017
8 6-Days Faculty Development program on "Analog & Embedded Systems" ABESIT, Ghaziabad & sponsored by Dr. APJ AKTU, Lucknow U.P. 17/7/2017 -22/7/ 2017
9 5-Days Faculty Development Program on "Power Electronics & Drives" ABESIT, Ghaziabad & sponsored by Dr. APJ AKTU, Lucknow U.P. 12/6/2017-16/6/ 2017
10 Short Term Training Program on "MATLAB with Image Processing" ABESIT, Ghaziabad in collaboration with Cetpa Infotech Pvt. Ltd. 9/6/2016 -22/6/ 2016

Innovations by Faculty in Teaching & Learning

Sl. No. Innovations Topic Details Name of Faculty
1 Video Lecture Series on YouTube Sensors & Transducers https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmJzSa3IrL45BcQLRBpodKmT3cueaWpRE Dr. HM Gaur
2 Video Lecture Series on YouTube Optical Communication https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmJzSa3IrL44cV0D9-soh9uxN7bzujojw Dr. HM Gaur
3 Video Lecture Series on YouTube Antenna & Wave Propagation https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmJzSa3IrL47BWIwg5DQtp22UsxsmeLHH Dr. HM Gaur
4 Video Lecture Series on YouTube Microwave Engineering https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmJzSa3IrL45_xXajhbVnzCx7KCAzD6MO Dr. HM Gaur
5 Video Lecture Series on YouTube VLSI Technology https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmJzSa3IrL44bF92Y7wuCaqAkF8nDQrzL Dr. HM Gaur
6 Realistic Role Play Smart Sensors Dr. HM Gaur
7 Presentation by Students Presentation on Datapath Elements Dr. HM Gaur
8 Presentation by Students Virtual Instrumentation Dr. HM Gaur
9 Video Lecture Series on YouTube Renewable Energy Resources https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmJzSa3IrL46RzXP2Ka0YUrH4vJ9UyRXM Dr. HM Gaur
10 NPTEL-SWAYAM Course Accriditation and Outcome Based Learning (Awarded Gold Medal) Dr. HM Gaur
11 Video Lecture Series on YouTube Digital Signal Processin https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLdDIKb40HrqZE8axKpt1c1OWJ9Lps32a Mr. Rachit Patel
12 Video Lecture Series on YouTube Sensors & Instrumentation https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLdDIKb40Hrqva3klM8X-WEkaw2HEhSIH Mr. Rachit Patel
13 Video Lecture Series on YouTube VLSI Design https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLdDIKb40HrpfOJvG-5nGWcYTSY0bEK1B Mr. Rachit Patel
14 Video Lecture By Prof. A.N. Chandorkar,Department of Electrical Engineering,IIT Bombay Logical Effort - A way of Designing Fast CMOS Circuits -Part III https://youtu.be/b1-W32Euc3s Mr. Rachit Patel
15 Video Lecture Series on YouTube Signal Systems https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLdDIKb40HrqU9vzU74Kw3p5UlWGVAV12 Mr. Rachit Patel
16 Video Lecture Series on YouTube Wireless & Mobile Communication https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLdDIKb40HrqSVEY8V89THqzVttXma9yP Mr. Rachit Patel
17 Video Lecture Series on YouTube Basic Electrical Engineering https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvgCJqB3UsPTByA2yFZTwIg Suneel Agrawal
18 Video Lecture Series on YouTube Digital Image Processing https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3rE2jS8zxAykFjinlf6EsucLv5EA03_m Dr. Sapna Katiyar
19 Video Lecture Series on YouTube Electronic Devices https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3rE2jS8zxAxoOuFJHJcbeM7GwJ-JLnfj Dr. Sapna Katiyar
20 Video Lecture Series on YouTube Communication Engineering https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3rE2jS8zxAyH86fcVXVFY4iC8rdaIPS7 Dr. Sapna Katiyar
21 Video Lecture Series on YouTube Satellite Communication https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3rE2jS8zxAxamj-MY7FvzOZkHUALNndQ Dr. Sapna Katiyar
22 Video Lecture Series on YouTube Integrated Circuits https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0c0N7xv8s04vWShAdts0FpMbfymZOWJF Vaibhav Jain
23 Video Lecture Series on YouTube Digital System Design https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0c0N7xv8s06alYrdpsYjGXBs1IqIU8QS Vaibhav Jain
24 Video Lecture Series on YouTube VLSI TECHNOLOGY https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0c0N7xv8s06jXRL5qzmEpyJjHcPKl17S Vaibhav Jain
25 Optical Communication Optical Communication https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0c0N7xv8s04WeBVdKl_rieAbEt9zly7V Vaibhav Jain
26 Control System Control System https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0c0N7xv8s049R4um5bqxIwrLuWRj5p9t Vaibhav Jain
27 Video Lecture Series on YouTube BASIC ELECTRONICS https://youtube.com/channel/UCMV-HuTwaOwBHaQttkQNDqw Vipin Sharma
28 Video Lecture Series on YouTube Microcontrollers & Embedded Systems Design https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLl6smPChC-1Eyc-XY7BeJamnIMDO5fMwv Aviral Malay
29 Video Lecture Series on YouTube Digital Communication https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLl6smPChC-1GmrNq60_S0ubo9_OUS70eK Aviral Malay
30 Video Lecture Series on YouTube MSP430F5529 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLl6smPChC-1Gcp2feh2S9OffHyq1otsQd Aviral Malay
31 Workshop on PCB & Schematic Design (Online) https://www.facebook.com/IIC.ABESIT/posts/744289333175731 Aviral Malay
32 Video Lecture Series on YouTube Basic Electrical Engineering https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNW-DFvVBflBdF6wNuN8MbA Kalyan Pal
33 Video lectures on you tube Huffman Coding Techniques (https://youtu.be/wd3WWC3Xhyg) Dr. Sapna Katiyar
34 Video lectures on you tube Multistage Networks in Telecommunication Switching System (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YpRHjIGaIJ4) Dr. Sapna Katiyar
35 Video lecture on you tube Optical Network Generation (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ztfy0ybYXYY&feature=youtu.be) Mr. Vipin Sharma
36 Video lectures on you tube .A. C. Circuits: Electrical Engineering (https://unacademy.com/user/suneelagrwl) Mr. Suneel Kumar Agrawal
37 Video lectures on you tube Two port Network (https://unacademy.com/user/suneelagrwl) Mr. Suneel Kumar Agrawal
38 Video lectures on you tube Network Theory (https://unacademy.com/user/suneelagrwl) Mr. Suneel Kumar Agrawal
39 Video lectures on you tube Phase controlled convertors (https://unacademy.com/user/suneelagrwl) Mr. Suneel Kumar Agrawal
40 Video lectures on you tube Single Phase commutator (https://unacademy.com/user/suneelagrwl) Mr. Suneel Kumar Agrawal
41 Video lectures on you tube Gate Structure & preparation (https://unacademy.com/user/suneelagrwl) Mr. Suneel Kumar Agrawal
42 Video lectures on you tube Port Registers in MSP430 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QK0hp0cjuzY&feature=youtu.be) Mr. Aviral Malay
43 Video lectures on you tube Microprocessor vs Microcontrollers (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FKAzsuw0AOE&feature=youtu.be) Mr. Aviral Malay
44 Video lecture on you tube Transient Characteristics of second order control system (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2NIfKJdhfig&feature=youtu.be) Mr. Ashish Kumar Swami
45 Video lecture on you tube Introduction to microwave engineering (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AtQRHFPY-e0&feature=youtu.be) Mr. Ashish Tiwari
46 Realistic Role Play Linear Convolution (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1cpgba01DoQ&feature=youtu.be) Ms. Anchal Tyagi
47 ISTE (Indian Society for Technical Education) Co-ordinator of ISTE (Indian Society for Technical Education) of Electronics & Communication Department. Mr. Suneel Kumar Agrawal
48 Latest Technologies Latest Technologies on Social Networking Site (http://everythingiot.blogspot.com/?m=1) Mr. Aviral Malay
49 SWAYAM Course Registered for a course on “Intellectual Property Rights” Mr. Vipin Sharma
50 Case Study in Entrepreneurship Development Small Scale Industry (Case study of Piyush General Store) Ms Sukti Chakrabarti
51 Case Study in Entrepreneurship Development Legal Forms of Business Organisation (Case study of Swastik Transformers) Ms Sukti Chakrabarti
52 Case Study in Sociology Industrial Disputes (Case study of Akash Cements) Ms Sukti Chakrabarti
53 Case Study in Sociology Collective Bargaining (Case study of Vikas Motor Ltd.) Ms Sukti Chakrabarti
54 Case Study in Industrial Management HR Department (Importance of HR) Ms. Anjali Dubey
55 Case Study in Industrial Management Dilemma at "Cool Air" Air Conditioners (Supply Chain Management) Ms. Anjali Dubey
56 Case Study in Mangerial Economics Making Magic: The Multiplex Way (Demand Determinants) Ms. Anjali Dubey
57 Case Study in Mangerial Economics India in Search of a Way to Harness the Inflation "Dragon (About Inflation) Ms. Anjali Dubey
58 Case Study in Entrepreneurship Development Dabur India Limited: Growing Big and Global (Growth Model) Ms. Anjali Dubey
59 Case Study in Entrepreneurship Development Women Entrepreneur (Entrepreneurial Ecosystem) Ms. Anjali Dubey
60 Nptel Videos, Prof. Girish Kumar, IIT Bombay Antenna & Wave Propagation (Antenna Introduction, Antenna Fundamental, Loop Antenna) Mr. Suneel Kumar Agrawal
61 Nptel Videos, Dr. Adrish Banerjee, IIT Kanpur Information Theory & Coding (ARQ Schemes, Convolution Codes, Classification & Realization) Dr. Sapna Katiyar
62 Nptel Videos, Prof. S. C. Dutta Roy, IIT Delhi Network Analysis & Synthesis (General Characteristics of Signals, Description of Signals, Concepts of poles & Zeros) Mr. Aviral Malay
63 Nptel Video, Prof. Surendra Prasad, IIT Delhi Principles of Communication (Amplitude Modulation Techniques) Mr. Ashish Kumar Swami
64 Nptel Video, Prof. K. Radhakrishna, IIT Madras Principles of Communication (Phase Locked Loops) Mr. Ashish Kumar Swami
65 Nptel Videos, Dr. Chitralekha Mahanta, IIT Guwahati Integrated Circuits (Current Mirror, Op-amp IC 741) Mr. Ashish Tiwari
66 Nptel Videos, Prof. S.C. Dutta Roy, IIT Delhi Signals & Systems (Convolution in LTI systems, Fourier Transform) Ms. Anchal Tyagi
67 Nptel Videos, Prof. S. Ghosh, IIT Kharagpur Data Communication Networks (Data Link Protocol, Slotted Aloha Protocol Model) Ms. Preeti Sharma
68 MSP Training, Official TI Teaching Material Microcontrollers for Embedded Systems (Programming Registers, I/O pin, clocks & timers in MSP430) Mr. Aviral Malay
69 Nptel Videos, Prof. Hardik J. Pandya, IISC Banglore Integrated Circuit Technology (IC fabrication techniques, mettalization & Pollishing) Mr. Ashish Kumar Swami
70 Nptel Videos, Prof. S.C. Dutta Roy, IIT Delhi Digital Signal Processing ( DFT, DTFT) Ms. Anchal Tyagi
71 Nptel Videos, Prof. Bikash Kumar, IIT Bombay Digital Communication (Source Coding, Random Variables) Ms. Preeti Sharma
72 Nptel Videos, Prof. Santanu Chattopadhyay, IIT Kharagpur Microprocessors (Evolution of Microprocessor, Intruppt Handling in 8085) Mr. Aviral Malay
73 Nptel Videos, Dr. Ramakrishna Pasumarthy, IIT Madras Control Systems-I (Block Diagram Reduction Techniques, Bode plots) Mr. Ashish Kumar Swami
74 Nptel Videos, Prof. P. K. Biswas, IIT Kharagpur Digital Image Processing (Image Segment, Color Image Processing) Dr. Sapna Katiyar
75 Workshop Universal Human Vlaues & Professional Ethics Mr. Kaushal Gupta
76 Think-Pair-Share Activity Protocol Providing Best Multiple Access Without Collisions. Dr. Sapna Katiyar
77 Think-Pair-Share Activity Comparative Network Topologies Dr. Sapna Katiyar
78 Think-Pair-Share Activity Identification of Protocols for Transmission of Electronic Mail Dr. Sapna Katiyar
79 Think-Pair-Share Activity Identify the Technique to establish the Connection in a Network Dr. Sapna Katiyar
80 Brain Storming Session Various Channels and Fading During Transmission Mr. Ashish Kumar Swami
81 Brain Storming Session Wave Propagation Mr. Suneel Kumar Agrawal
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