Physics Lab
Physics laboratory at ABESIT Group of Institutions, Ghaziabad is equipped with all necessary instruments required for B.Tech. 1st Year curriculum provided by AKTU. Physics lab develops the ability to do experiments and analyse data acquired through practice and experience.
Physics lab facilitate students with various experiments based on electricity and magnetism such as to study the variation of magnetic field, determine the specific resistance of given material wire. Also, Student understands the concepts of experiments based on optics and semiconductor by using Newton Rings, Diffraction Grating, Energy Band Gap & Hall Effect setup.

Chemistry Lab
B.Tech. students perform various Organic, Inorganic and physical chemistry experiments in the chemistry laboratory. Experiments are designed to analyze alkalinity, chloride content and permanent hardness of water. Students determine the viscosity and surface tension of given liquid. They learn the preparation of Phenol-formaldehyde and Urea-formaldehyde resin; Students are also trained to use instruments like pH meter, colorimeter, and viscometers to determine viscosity of oils.

Language Lab
B.Tech. students perform various Organic, Inorganic and physical chemistry experiments in the chemistry laboratory. Experiments are designed to anaThe language laboratory is a lab equipped with audio-visual installation used as an aid in modern language teaching. The four language skills i.e., listening, speaking, reading and writing are developed and improved with the help of software available in the language lab. It is used to give customized learning set ups to the learners as per their academic needs, objectives and outcomes. It provides the language learners with learning opportunities to explore, practice and play with language and thus helps them in achieving a holistic level of understanding.

Computer Lab
Computer lab is a dedicated space equipped with computers and other technological resources. Students can access to computers, software applications and internet connectivity for various purposes such as learning, programming, or completing tasks that required computer usage. In first Year, Students learn about the basics of Computer Software & Hardware in the computer lab.They learn about operators, conditional statements, loops, Arrays and functions making in C language.

Electronics Lab
B.Tech. students perform various experiments in the electronics laboratory.Experiments are designed to get familiarize with the basic components,measuring instruments like CRO, Multimeter, Function Generator, and basicdevices etc. Students observe basic phenomena and characteristics of devices bymaking connections with instruments. Students learn to verify theorems, andbasic rules to understand various physical concepts etc. They also learn to usevarious electronic devices like a diode, BJT, Op-amp, ICs etc. for various real-life applications.

Electrical Lab
The Electrical Engineering lab is equipped with all necessary equipment, devices, machines, and instruments required for B.Tech. 1st year curriculum as per AKTU syllabus.This lab facilitates students with various experiments based on DC and AC electricity and itdevelops the ability to do experiments and analyses data acquired through practice andexperience.

Graphics Lab
The Engineering Graphics and Design Lab assists and directs first year students as they learnvarious techniques for drafting technical drawings. Additionally, it teaches the students to agraphical language used by engineers. It is widely acknowledged and used byengineers to create, document, and communicate their ideas to others for implementation.This laboratory includes excellent infrastructure for manual practice as well as computeraided design.

Workshop Lab
The Mechanical Workshop, one of the institute's key laboratories, teaches the fundamentals of manufacturing to all first-year students at ABESIT, allowing them to discover "how" a product takes on its final shape from raw material with the help of various manufacturing tools. All the students, in their first year, acquire hands-on manufacturing skills in the Fitting, Carpentry, Machine and Welding Shop. In addition to introducing the art and science of manufacturing, the Mechanical Workshop gives students the confidence to pursue product design and manufacturing activities in the future.