IIC IQAC NIRF NAAC AISP College Tour Hacknovate FDP on "NEP-2020" SSR UPTAC-2024

DEBATE Organised by “PAHAL” Club

DEBATE Organised by “PAHAL” Club
DEBATE Organised by “PAHAL” Club
Date: 28 th Feb.,2020 Time: 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM A “Debate” competition was organized by “PAHAL” Club of ABESIT, Ghaziabad. The primary objective of this activity was to generate effective critical thinking into primary issues in the given topics. In every round of event, new topics were given to the students and they were asked to express their views in ‘favour’ or ‘against’ the topic. Topics of debate were: 1. Excessive use of social media. 2. Lok Sabha and Vidhan Sabha elections should be done together. 3. Students should focus equally on academics and extra skills. Participants were judged by Prof. Avinash Chandra Trivedi and Prof. Rajeev Rajput. Out of four teams, participated in the event, one winner team and one runner-up team were declared and awarded.
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