IIC IQAC NIRF NAAC AISP College Tour Hacknovate FDP on "NEP-2020" SSR UPTAC-2024


Center of Excellence, Data Science ,AI-ML
Center of Excellence, Data Science ,AI-ML

The inaugural ceremony of the Center of Excellence, Data Science ,AI-ML was organized on 29 th January ,2020. The Center of Excellence, Data Science ,AI-ML is collaboration of ABESIT with Edugrad group. This initiative would allow to establish a society in the field of data analytics, machine learning ,AI capable of delivering high caliber analytics skills required in fast changing market scenario.

This objective of this Center of Excellence :

  • To inspire students to think analytically, empower them through hands on training, make them employable in this domain and connect them to potential employers.
  • To make students aware in Data Science, Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence and make them employable in the same domain.


S.NO Activity Duration
1 Workshop on Designing Facial filter using python 1 day 1 Day
2 Training Program on “Foundation for Data Science, AI-ML” 8 Weeks
  • Training Program on “Foundation for Data Science, AI- ML”:

    CoE-Data science, AI-ML owned by Department of Information Technology is organizing a 8 week training program on “Foundation for Data Science, AI- ML”.

    The program curriculum includes python programming, web scraping, numpy, pandas, data visualization, statistics, and regression and classification algorithms.

  • Workshop on Designing Facial filter using python:

    CoE-Data science, AI-ML owned by Department of Information Technology organised a workshop on “Designing facial filter using Python” on 12/02/2020 .Total 41 students from IT, EC and CSE attended the workshop. Mr Harpreet singh sachdeva from EduGrad started the session by introducing python language. He discussed the basics of computer vision and how the filters are designed. He quoted the examples of instagram, lenskart an many other where the filters are used.The resource person gave hands on experience on designing the Facial filter using the python. The session was interactive and the students were motivated to learn Python programming language.

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