Campus Recruitment Drive of Impressive Infratech Pvt. Ltd.
Campus Recruitment Drive of Impressive Infratech Pvt. Ltd.

We are proud to announce that ABESIT has organized an exclusive Campus Recruitment Drive of Impressive Infratech on 23rd March’ 2017 for all B.Tech final year students of CS, I, EC & EEE branches.
About Company: Impressive Infratech Pvt. Ltd. is a provider of tower and related infrastructure and on a consolidated basis, we are one of the largest tower infrastructure providers in India, based on the number of towers that All India Tower owns and operates and the number of towers owned or operated by All India Tower. Not only did we pioneer the tower infrastructure sharing concept in India, but are also today the leaders with over 35,000+ Towers across the circles we operate in, with some of them in the remotest and tough terrains. We also pioneered the concept of environment friendly Towers or ‘GreenTowers’ and energy efficient methods for maintenance of these towers.