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Top placement engineering College in Delhi NCR

Top placement engineering College in Delhi NCR

Top placement engineering College in Delhi NCR:-

B.Tech (Engineering) is a industry demanded engineering course nationally and globally. Here we are discuss about Top placement engineering College in Delhi NCR, before detail discussion we are discus about engineering background and its requirements.

“According to industrial studies, the built environment sector of India will face acute shortage (85 per cent) of skilled manpower, across various professional categories that translate to 44 million jobs.”

Our country is the educational hub and come under top ten list in Asia and many foreign students are coming in India for education every year and take direct admission on NRI quota. Delhi NCR is the capital Region of India and it is a educational hub. Delhi is a collection of many engineering colleges.

Engineering is a 4 year degree Course and popular among students. Mostly students who have the science background( PCM Group) they want make their career in engineering. Engineering are divided in multiple department and branches so students can take admission according to the interest of area . The branches is electrical & communication engineering, Information Technology, electronics engineering, civil engineering, electrical and electronics engineering, Computer Science Engineering, mechanical engineering.

The top placement engineering college in Delhi/NCR are as follows :-

1 IIT Delhi.

2 NSIT Delhi.

3 DTU,Delhi.

4 NIT Delhi.

ABESIT College of Engineering, Ghaziabad, Delhi NCR

6 Jamia Islamia Delhi.

7 Indira Gandhi Technical University for Women.

8 IIIT Delhi.

9 Delhi Engineering College.

10 ABES Institute of Technology

Owing to this fact, it is quite evident that Engineering educational courses in the built environment sector such as Construction Management, Real Estate, and Quantity Surveying offer a promising long-term career. The industry today is in dire need of trained professionals /Engineers/Managers who can transact and execute complex projects within time and financing constraints.

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