Pool Campus Recruitment Drive of Godrej Infotech
Pool Campus Recruitment Drive of Godrej Infotech

We are proud to announce that ABESIT has organized a Pool Campus Recruitment Drive of Godrej Infotech for B.Tech 2019 batch students of all branches. Students from other colleges also participated in the Pool Campus Recruitment Drive.
About Company: Godrej Infotech Limited, a subsidiary of Godrej & Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd, which is one of the holding companies within the USD 4.1 billion Godrej Group & Godrej Infotech separate corporate entity on April 1, 1999. This group started its journey in 1897 and through the years have diversified from High Tech Engineering to Consumer Products. SEI-CMM Level 4 & Business Excellence using EFQM 2013 (formerly known as The European Excellence Model Foundation for Quality Management) and also ISO 9001:2015 Quality Systems Certification for Analysis, Design, Coding, testing, Delivery and Maintenance of Commercial Application Software, ERP Consultancy and Facilities Management Services.